ABB for EYE+
On Asyril side
- Asycube 50, 80, 240, 380 and 530
- EYE+ (Max 1 EYE+ controller per ABB robot)
On ABB side
- Available for all robot models compatible with IRC5 controller and OmniCore controller
- RobotWare version 7.10.1 or higher for OmniCore controllers
- RobotWare version 6.13.02 or higher for IRC5 controllers
- Includes a RobotWare Add-In that makes it easy to control an EYE+ from robot programs.
- The configuration of the communication on the robot side is easily done with the plugin.
- Detailed programming manual describing all functions of the plugin.
- Sample code is included in documentation.
- Wizard Easy Programming language available
- Asyril is listed as a recommended partner in the ABB ecosystem