Merlin concept

Facing challenges feeding parts larger than 100 mm (4 in)?

Are you handling a variety of parts with different shapes and sizes?
Does your automation machine stop even if parts can still be picked?

Discover the new Merlin concept and learn how you will not have anymore leftover
parts at the bottom of the bin.

Be a part of the journey!

As a pilot customer for our cutting-edge Merlin concept, you will have a unique opportunity to shape its evolution. Your feedback matters.

Join our pilot program

Asyril’s Merlin concept elevates flexible feeding for large parts!

  • Handle parts up to 300 mm (12 in)
  • Teach parts from CAD files with an intuitive web interface
  • Immune to different lighting conditions thanks to integrated lighting and AI-teaching
  • Surround cameras detect pickable parts even during robot movement
  • No complex robot joint moves or trajectories
  • Constant cycle time through the very last part in the bin
  • Compatible with heavy and vibration-sensitive parts

*Patent application number EP24173691.7

Give your feedback on the Merlin concept and join our pilot customer program

As we are striving for relentless innovation to prepare for the next-generation automation challenges, your inputs are paramount.

Interested in collaborating with Asyril during the development of our products? Fill out the form.