

Press kits and images

Would you like to know more about our company? Our publications will provide you with the most important information.

Subject Language
Asyril press release – purge platform English Français Deutsch
Asyril press release – EYE+ English Français Deutsch
Asyril press release – capiton AG English Français Deutsch

Logo | Slogan below
PNG – 1038×603 px

Logo | Slogan side
PNG – 2336×489 px

Photo| Building
PNG – 1000×667 px

Photo| Building at night
PNG – 1000×750 px

Would you like to know more about our company? Our publications will provide you with the most important information. We will be happy to help you with any other questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Damien Frochaux
Chief Sales & Marketing Officer
+ 41 26 420 42 42